Ways of working


Project management

Project management is a mix between many fields and disciplines. It's part ideas and concepts, part business and client, part people and process and maybe most structure for it all to fit together in a giant puzzle. That's where i like to be, in the middle. making shit happen and helping anyone who needs it all the while steering the ship to a distant port. My preferred tools besides trello, kanban, lean business canvas, Impact/effort matrix or excel I like a hands on approach with meetings that have a clear purpose and structure. Helping teams by using: team development sessions or personal coaching. To help the process I like to start projects making a point of departure document to set the parameters for the team and a expectation session with the clients.


Strategy is the masterplan. The roadmap from the research and insights to the desired outcomes. To give value to the client or customer there needs to be clear desired outcomes like, higher sales, more digital interaction, more and bigger clients and so on (usable metrics). To achieve this we need a plan to find, create and execute ideas and concepts. The tools I usually rely on are: Brand strategy canvas, Value proposition canvas and Empathy Map. Simple strategy.

Data driven

Data driven to make better decisions we need information and asking the user is almost always a good idea. Working with both quantitative and qualitative data to find learnings and the way forward for the project or product.


Agile, I like to work with an agile mindset, to iterate, to explore and to find the value proposition worth exploring. Within this agile mindset I include Design Thinking principles and rapid prototyping.


User experience design is a natural part of the user centered thinking and concept creation that has pivoted and continues to innovate so many fields. I have it as an essential cornerstone of the way I like to work both in project management and in strategy. A part of the tools I use is the 5E model and also user history mapping.


Branding is a simple word for a complex and sometimes volatile creation of personality of an entity, be that positive or negative. Changing the point of view of a service or a product can lead to incredible results especially when this resonates with the team creating and the users they are creating for.

Digital design

Designing for digital spaces are leaps and bounds different than classic print. therefore I believe you have to think Digital to design for it. It's a different mindset.

The fact that nothing is set in stone, it wont go to print and then that's it! Everything is forever evolving and changing to meet new expectations and needs. things can be tested, iterated and tested again. tweeks, changes and points of view can be implemented and removed on a moments notice. It can be imerciv and have world wide impact in days or hours.

Digital is the biggest step toward true democracy and free creation in mankind's history. Ist also the largest propaganda machine, gatekeeper and distributor of lies and misinformation ever.

We can't ignore it, but we can help shape it and us.


Culture is the tone we set. The walls we create or destroy, the parameters of behaviour we allow. In sweden we have a saying “it sits in the walls”. The unwritten rules of the places we work, live and socialize in. The best part of this is that we actually get to make our own rules. We as a community of people get to express what we want and don't want, what we need and what is nice to have.
We get to make the choices, so let's do that consciously. For example to promote diversity, equality, happiness and kindness.